Dear Reader,
as you might be curious as to who this blog belongs to, I’ll quickly introduce myself. I stole my nickname from my cat who is the real Lily in our house. Also lilies are among my favorite flowers.
I came to reading pretty late, considering other people having started as soon as they knew how to read. My love for books started at the age of 15 at which I started reading all my mother’s books. My first ever fantasy novel was „The Lord of the Rings“ which I borrowed from the library but later got as present. Since then I’ve loved fantasy as a genre.
Once I discovered my love for books, I read every book I could get my hands on and decided to study languages after graduating from school, as you have to read books for your studies too. But as you don’t simply get payed for reading books, I decided to become a teacher while testing it out as a teaching assistant in Great Britain. And that is what I still do and love. (Btw. my job is to spot the mistakes other people make and I’m awfully blind when it comes to my own spelling and grammar mistakes. So if you spot any feel free to tell me (as politely as possible 🙂 ).
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