Undercover Princess

Thanks to TheWriteReads and Penguin I bring you the review of another fantastic middle grade to young adult novel. 

Book information: 

  • Author: Connie Glynn
  • Date of publication: 2nd November 2017
  • Genre:  Young Adult
  • Pages: 441 pages
  • Publisher: Penguin 
  • ISBN: 978-0141379852

Book Blurb:

When fairy tale obsessed Lottie Pumpkin starts at the infamous Rosewood Hall, she is not expecting to share a room with the Crown Princess of Maradova, Ellie Wolf. Due to a series of lies and coincidences, 14-year-old Lottie finds herself pretending to be the princess so that Ellie can live a more normal teenage life.

Lottie is thrust into the real world of royalty – a world filled with secrets, intrigue and betrayal. She must do everything she can to help Ellie keep her secret, but with school, the looming Maradovian ball and the mysterious new boy Jamie, she’ll soon discover that reality doesn’t always have the happily ever after you’d expect…

A thrilling world of parties, politics and bad ass princesses, this is the first book in the brand new series THE ROSEWOOD CHRONICLES.


Review and Recommendation:

When I saw the book for the first time the cover had my full attention as it is absolutely stunning. To be honest I expected the book to be different than what I got as it first starts off with Ellie before it focusses on Lottie. I absolutely love Lottie. The name is as adorable as the whole girl. She is sweet, cute and diligent. That is why she got a scholarship for a posh boarding school. Although it is a school for rich kids it is way better than what I expected. And also the other kids at school are lovable characters too. Well not all of them but I already read all books in the series so I know what’s to come… 😃 Having said that it is obvious that I enjoyed the book series as I would not have read all of them if I had not. Some things were a bit hard for me to fathom but that might also be the age gap as I am (slightly 😏 or way) older than the intended age group of the book. Still I really enjoyed reading it and I especially liked the hints at fairytales as I am a huge fan too. Next to Lottie I also liked the other main character Ellie. Although I have to confess that I prefer Jamie to Ellie and did so through all the books. I can definitely recommend reading this book (and the whole series) and I am sure young girls will immensely enjoy the reading experience. 

Information on the author

Connie Glynn has always loved writing and wrote her first story when she was six, with her mum at a typewriter acting as her scribe. She had a love for performing stories from a young age and attended Guildhall drama classes as a teenager. This passion for stories has never left her, and Connie recently finished a degree in film theory. It was at university that Connie started her hugely successful YouTube channel Noodlerella (named after her favourite food and favourite Disney princess). After five years of publicly documenting her life and hobbies to an audience of 900,000 subscribers on YouTube, Connie closed the book on the Noodlerella project in a bid for more privacy and to pursue her original passions in the performing arts. Connie now writes music and fiction full- time. Follow Connie on YouTube, Twitter, Instagram and Tumblr @ConnieGlynn