I received this book to read and review as part of the BBNYA tours organised by the @The_WriteReads tours team. All opinions are my own, unbiased and honest.

The first book I really wanted to read of last year’s participants is place 6: Marrow Charm by Kristin Jacques.

Book Information: 

  • Author: Kristin Jacques
  • Publisher: The Parliament House
  • Date of Publication: 1st October 2019
  • Genre: Dystopian Fantasy
  • Pages: 346
  • ISBN-13 :978-1691022298


Azure ‘Azzy’ Brimvine lives in a world decimated by magic, where humans have retreated underground from the overwhelming dangers of the surface. But Below is no safer than Above.

Magic borne plagues continue to eat away at the remaining human cities, a sickness that doesn’t merely kill, but creates aberrations from the stricken: people twisted by magic into something dark, dangerous, and powerful. It is an existence of fear and constant dread. When Azzy’s brother, Armin, is infected and cast out into the Above, she sets out after him, determined to be there for him no matter what he becomes.

The world Above is full of monsters, both wild and cunning, some more human than Azzy was led to believe. Armin is captured and bound for the Auction block of Avergard, a ruthless city of inhuman lords and twisted creatures. To reach him, Azzy must brave the perils of the Above and the chaotic life forms created by the Gate. To reach him, she must find allies and forge new bonds in this broken world.

And Azzy must reach him, before Armin’s new power is used to open the Gate once more.


The first thing that caught my eye about Marrow Charm was the beautiful cover. It is dark but also finely ornate in silver and gold. With the intricate patterns it looks like a door which keeps lots of secrets. 
Secrets is also one of the keywords that describe Marrow Charm pretty well. This first installment of a series leaves many things open to the read’s imagination. Like this the world it is set in can either be a dystopian future vision of our world or it can be a completely different world. For me it was always our post apocalyptic world. I really enjoyed that new world. Kristin Jacques managed to invent a world which was completely new to me and is all of original monsters and wonders alike. 
Also the characters keep many secrets. There is no single character without any secret. Maybe the wolf but I am not sure about that either. 
Marrow Charm is mostly told from Azzy’s point of view but we also get chapter’s from different characters. 
The main protagonist Azzy is a likable heroine who tries her best to save her brother. She herself is another great secret as she does and has 
magic without really having it. This sounds really weird but I am seriously missing the right words to describe it differently. 
Sometimes while reading I would have enjoyed a bit more inside knowledge or an explanation why thing happen or are the way they are. 
Nonetheless, I enjoyed reading Marrow Charm and the world it is set in and can full-heartedly recommend reading it to everyone who likes adventures and a completely new world full of monsters and wonder. 

Information on the author:

Kristin Jacques is an author from small town New England. She grew up in the sticks, surrounded by river wildlife, and various swamp inhabitants. Somehow she managed to keep all her toes despite a run in with a snapper or two.
She lives with her husband and sons in another small New England town. She is mighty attached to them.
When not writing, she is likely reading, watching a terrific B-Horror flick, or further spoiling the family cats. Sometimes she has blue hair.

You can find out more about Kristin on: 



Information on BBNYA

BBNYA is a yearly competition where book bloggers from all over the world read and score books written by indie authors. 
If you are an author and wish to learn more about the 2021 BBNYA competition, you can visit the official website (https://www.bbnya.com/) or our Twitter account, @BBNYA_Official. If you would like to sign-up and enter your book, you can find the BBNYA 2021 AUTHOR SIGN UP FORM HERE. Please make sure to carefully read our terms and conditions before entering. 
If you are a book blogger or reviewer, you can apply to be part of BBNYA 2021 by filling out this form (also remember to read the terms and conditions before signing up)! 

BBNYA is brought to you in association with the Folio Society (If you love beautiful books you NEED to check out their website!) And the book blogger support group TheWriteReads.