Synopsis: 1657. The youngest daughter of Oliver Cromwell, eighteen-year-old Frances is finding her place at England’s new centre of power. Following the turmoil of Civil War, a fragile sense of stability has returned to the country. Her father has risen to the unprecedented position of Lord Protector of the Commonwealth, and Frances has found herself transported …
The Sunshine Blogger Award
This is the first time ever I was tagged in a q and a. And lucky me! I got nominated in the Sunshine Blogger Award by Alex from : Thank you very much Alex. How does it work? · Thank the blogger(s) who nominated you in a blog post and link back to their blog. …
„Böse Brummer – Die verbotene Zone“ von Falk Holzapfel
Buchinformationen Verlag: Loewe Wow! ISBN: 978-3-74320580-2 Kosten: 12 Euro Klappentext Das erste Level: Angriff der bösen Brummer Steven und Piet geraten in die verbotene Zone tiiieeef unter der Stadt. Dort soll es von böse Brummer und Bugs nur so wimmeln! Und schon werden die beiden Jungs von einem Schwarm Hornwespen gejagt, stolpern über Gobbler-Wobbler und …
„Born A Crime“ by Trevor Noah
This book was recommended to me by a colleague. Up until that moment I had never heard of Trevor Noah. He recommended it as it is published by a German published for school books with annotations in it. I had already made up my mind to read The Hate You Give with my year ten. Nonetheless, I …
The conundrum of the map
At the moment I am on holidays at my parent’s place and do not have all my books with me but of the thirty-two fantasy novels that are here all save for three have a map at the beginning. Some, like “Nevernight” by Jay Christoff, even have more maps, one or two at the beginning …