Synopsis You have heard the story before – of a young boy, orphaned through tragic circumstances, raised by a wise old man, who comes to a fuller knowledge of his magic and uses it to fight the great evil that threatens his world. But what if the boy hero and the malevolent, threatening taint were …
„Born A Crime“ by Trevor Noah
This book was recommended to me by a colleague. Up until that moment I had never heard of Trevor Noah. He recommended it as it is published by a German published for school books with annotations in it. I had already made up my mind to read The Hate You Give with my year ten. Nonetheless, I …
„The Hate U Give“ by Angie Thomas
I finally managed to read this book, after it had been on my to be read list for a long times already. It has been on the market for some time already so I will keep it very short and simple: Read this book! The story in itself is the coming of age story of …
„Der Trafikant“ von Robert Seethaler
Der Trafikant erzählt die Geschichte des jungen Franz Huchel. Dabei fokussiert sich der Er-Erzähler hauptsächlich auf ein Jahr seines Lebens (1937-1938), welches er in Wien verbringt. Im Spätsommer des Jahres 1937 kommt Franz Huchel aus dem Salzkammergut nach Wien, da er nun seinen eigenen Lebensunterhalt verdienen muss. Zu dem Zeitpunkt ist er 17 Jahre …
„The Kingdom of Liars“ by Nick Martell
Oh what an ending!!! But let’s start at the beginning. The Kingdom of Liars is told by a first person narrator, who is also the main character of the book: Michael Kingman. He is the middle child of the three children of the Kingman family: Lyon, Micheal and Gwen. Their father was executed for having killed …